The title of this assignment it typoSCENE, where we had to make a scene that includes one of our previous projects, typoOBJECT. We were expected to produce this by first creating a shape that we want using the pen tool, then creating outlines on the text that named what object we were creating with that shape. Afterwards, we used envelope distort on that shape we made, and all this was to be done using Adobe Illustrator. My final product showed my typoOBJECT design, which was a guitar, with a closet on the background, and a table beside it, to represent a room. I also put a picture frame and a candle on the table, as well as a light switch on the wall. I used the elements of art by including achromatic value on the closet, adding color on the objects in my scene, and by using the words to create the form of those objects. I used the principles of design by having harmony throughout the project, making the objects proportionate with each other, and by repeating the words in my project that creates rhythmand movement. My final design accurately represents most parts in my sketch, since I put the table, closet, and other objects in my design on the same place that I drew them on my sketch. The only difference is that I wasn't able to include other things in my project, that I planned in my sketch, such as books, shoes, and carpet.

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