Wednesday, November 9, 2011


In this project, we had to make our own tessellations using Adobe Illustrator. My final product basically has a theme of music, which includes a guitar, a radio, headphones, a musical staff, and musical notes. It also contains pink lines on the back, with an overall yellow background. I used the elements of art by including a hexagon shape to create the base of the whole project, using lines to separate each kite inside the hexagon as well as to create the images in those kites including the guitar, radio, etc. I also used the Live Pain Bucket Tool to add the colors in this project. I used the principles of design by having radial balance in my project, and having repetition on my designs. I used the rotate tool to make them repeat in a rotation, which shows movement and rhythm in my design. This accurately represents my sketch, since I placed the images that I created on my project on the same spot that drew them on my sketch.

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