Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Typeface Project

(Warm Colors, Monochromatic, and Freestyle)
The title of this assignment is called typeface. We were expected to produce three typography projects using our first, middle, and last name using Photoshop or Illustrator. My final product consisted of my first name being designed with monochromatic colors of purple, my middle name being freestyle, and my last name being designed with warm colors. I used to elements of art by using monochromatic value of purple on my first name, adjusting the intensities of the hues in my three projects, and using the letters as positive with the background as negative space. I used the principles of design by somewhat including an asymmetrical balance on my warm project, adding contrast by changing the intensities of the colors I used, and by having repetition, movement, and rhythm. My final product doesn’t accurately represent my sketch, since I had to change the letters around more when I started my projects in Photoshop. I also changed some of the colors that I planned to use while sketching.

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