Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This project was assigned for the Christine M. Sykes College & Career Center. We were expected to produce a banner for the center using either Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator. My final product consisted of the words “Welcome to the Christine M. Sykes College & Career Center,” with various images on the sides that show college students as well as people with different careers. I used the elements of art by using black lines to form a border around the banner, and space, where the images and words are the positive space and the gradient background is the negative space. I used the principles of designs by having balance and harmony throughout my project, having gradation as the background, as well as repetition on the college caps that are faded in the background. My final design somewhat accurately represents my sketch, since I sketched the images in the places where I put them on my design. My sketch just didn’t have a lot of details like my final banner did.

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