Monday, February 27, 2012


For this project, we had to design our own character using Adobe Illustrator. My final design shows a noble school girl with red eyes and white hair, who uses a sword as her weapon. I used the elements of art by using lines to create the shapes of her features, and by including color. I used the principles of design by adding a gradient on the sword to make it more realistic, by making the body proportionate, and by trying to make everything harmonized. The first perspective of my design accurately represents my sketch, but the other two, I didn't get to sketch out.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


For this assignment, we had to recreate a space in the school that we sketched out for two days in our sketch book. We had to create this using adobe illustrator. My final product shows the 2nd floor elevator, with a window on the wall next to it. I used the elements of art by using lines to create the form of the objects in my project, including the bricks on the walls and the lines on the floor. I included color on my project, and tried to apply texture on the wall by adding a grain effect. I used the principles of design by using gradation with low opacity to create the image of shadows, by making the elevator and window proportionate with the bricks on the wall, and by having repetition on the patterns on the floor. This accurately represents my sketch, since they both look similar to each other, except that this one in more detailed.